Research Areas

PI:Prof. Abhirup Datta (
Areas of
1. HI 21cm Cosmology
2. Galaxy Clusters
3. Space Weather and Ionosphere – GNSS
4. Space Payload and Instrumentation
5. Machine Learning Applications and Data Science
Brief Description:
PI:Dr Manoneeta Chakraborty (
Areas of Research:Compact Object Astrophysics
Brief Description:The research in this group encompasses a variety of compact astrophysics topics involving Neutron stars, Pulsars, Black Holes, and Magnetars. These objects offer the ideal laboratories to probe strong gravity, the properties of supranuclear matter, and the most intense magnetic field conditions. The group is actively involved in the timing and spectroscopic studies of black holes, neutron stars, pulsars, and magnetars using multi-wavelength data from missions like AstroSat, NICER, RXTE, Chandra, Swift, XMM-Newton, NuStar, GMRT, MWA, and many others. 
PI:Dr Suman Majumdar (
Areas of Research:Cosmology with Statistical Inference (Publications)
Brief Description:1. Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization (
2. Large Scale Structures (
3. Large Scale N-body Simulations (
4. Simulations of the Universe from very early to the present day (
5. Higher-Order Statistics from the observations of our Universe (
6. Image Analysis of the observations of our Universe (
7. Bayesian Inference from Cosmological Observations (
8. Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on BIG DATA Cosmology (
PI:Dr Unmesh Khati (
Areas of Research:Microwave Remote Sensing
This research group is actively involved with the NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) science team for development of algorithms for dynamic monitoring of changes in the ecosystems and carbon content mapping. We are involved in developing algorithms using ALOS-PALSAR and NISAR simulated data. We use polarimetric and interferometric products for (a) forest above-ground biomass mapping, and (b) ecosystem change detection and monitoring.
Areas of Research:Cloud-computing platform for large-scale product generation
The research group is actively pursuing research in combining multi-sensor data (SAR, lidar, optical and field instrumentation) using the ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Analysis and Algorithm Platform (MAAP) cloud computing environment for large-scale product generation using analysis ready data (ARD) in preparation for the upcoming NISAR mission
Areas of Research:Advanced techniques in Synthetic Aperture Radar
Our group implements Tomographic SAR data processing for 3-D structure retrievals of targets. We have demonstrated the first space-borne fully-polarimetric TanDEM-X tomograms and 3-D structure retrievals over tropical deciduous forests. The SAR data processing was implemented in ISCE2 processor, PLAnT and MATLAB code.
PI:Dr Bhargav Vaidya
Areas of Research:Computational Astrophysics
Understanding some of the complex and non-linear processes in Astrophysical and Space environments requires the use of numerical simulations. The group is heavily involved in development of state-of-the-art multi-physics code PLUTO (
that is widely used in the community to address problems ranging from planet formation, supernova to turbulence at cluster scales.
Areas of Research:Multi-messenger Astronomy
Deciphering the astrophysical origin of highest energy particles detected on Earth still remains a major challenge. One of the primary sources are relativistic jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) that act as natural accelerators (“CERN in Space”). They are also ideal targets to study multi-messenger astronomy with the recent discovery of neutrinos. The group is building an hybrid framework  to create a synthetic multi-messenger observatory for AGN jets that could serve as templates to the observations from several current and upcoming missions like uGMRT, SKA, TMT, IXPE, IceCube
Links for our recent papers : 
Borse et. al. 2021 :…649A.150B/abstract
Acharya et. al. 2021 :
Kundu et. al. 2021:…921…74K/abstract
Giri et al. 2022 :…662A…5G/abstract
Areas of Research:Space Weather Modelling
In this current age, the Indian space sector is gaining momentum with several upcoming  interplanetary missions including the human mission. In this regard, it is imperative that an indigenous space weather modelling framework is developed. Such a framework is crucial to understand the properties of space plasma between the Sun-Earth environment and prepare a timely and rational response to protect our space assets. Our group is involved in developing state-of-the-art data driven numerical modelling framework for assessment and forecasting of space weather events and their impact on Earth 
Links for our recent papers :
Kumar et. al. 2020 :…7…92K/abstract
Paul et. al. 2021 :…28h2903P/abstract
Areas of Research:Accretion Flows around Black Holes and Compact Object
The recent discoveries using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT : in unraveling the structure of “black hole” in M87 and in the centre of our own galaxy has brought the study of accretion flow around Black Holes into focus. Our group is involved in simulating the dynamical and radiative evolution of accretion flows around Black Holes with an aim to understand flaring and variable nature of such sources. 
Link for our recent paper: 
Dihingia et. al. 2021 –
PI:Dr Narendra Nath Patra (
Areas of Research:Radio Astronomy and related instrumentation
One of my active research areas is radio astronomy and radio instrumentation. I routinely observe with the uGMRT and other radio telescopes. At the same time, I am also working on the IIT Indore Radio Interferometer telescope situated on the campus. 
Areas of Research:Galaxy formation and evolution process
Galaxy formation and evolution process is one of the key issues still poorly understood. I use multi-wavelength observations to understand several aspects (ISM, star formation, gas infall, etc.) of galaxy formation and evolution. 
Areas of Research:Dark matter distribution in galaxies
I also work on the dark matter distribution and dynamical evolution of galaxies. Especially, I try to investigate the dark matter content in a galaxy in the light of Lambda-CDM cosmology. I try to reconcile observed dark matter distribution with the shortcomings of the Lambda-CDM model. 
PI:Dr. Siddharth Savyasachi Malu
Areas of Research:High-frequency data on galaxy clusters
While galaxy clusters have been studied extensively at low frequencies for diffuse emission, it is necessary to study them at cm-wave frequencies as well, to study not only diffuse emission and its spectrum, but also characterize the SZ effect, which can tell us about high-pressure sites in clusters.
Areas of Research:Bianchi Models of cosmology
Recent re-analysis of Supernova data (see, e.g. Krishnan et al. PRD 105, 6 (2021)) has cast doubt over the FLRW model in cosmology. It is imperative, therefore, to explore other homogeneous Bianchi models that can fit well with the data.
PI: Dr Saurabh Das
Areas of Research:Climate-informatics : Machine learning in atmospheric and climate science
The major focus of this research group is to use and develop sophisticated statistical and Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence for understanding of the climate as well as developing novel techniques for extreme weather forecasting/nowcasting using satellite and ground-based systems.
Areas of Research:Radio remote sensing of the atmosphere and precipitation microphysics
Experimental study of atmospheric remote sensing, particularly on the rain and related atmospheric parameters are the key area of this research group. At IIT Indore, continuous measurements are going on for different atmospheric parameters. In addition, we are involved in field campaigns in the Arctic and other locations in India. 
Areas of Research:Space Based Navigation and GNSS remote sensing
Precise positioning and navigation is one of the critical components of modern day’s economic and societal well-being. The use of satellite based navigation revolutionizes many areas of day-to-day life as well very important for defence, energy, transport, flights, space activities and other areas. GPS is the forefather of space based navigation systems. However, now many such systems are now available from several countries like China, European Union, Russia, Japan etc. Indian also developed its own navigation system, called NavIC.  
Areas of Research:Machine learning in Space Weather Forecasting
The application of ML/AI in Space weather and solar physics study is at nascent phase, but still  provides very interesting results. Given the large volume of data captured by several satellites, it gives an excellent opportunity to explore the domain from a data science perspective. The main research thrust of this group is to develop and use algorithms to study and forecast the space weather effects.