
NameAkriti Sinha
Title of thesisStar-formation in Radio Deep Fields: a Multi-wavelength Perspective
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2024
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany
NameSarvesh Mangla
Title of thesisProbing Low Latitude Ionosphere using the GMRT
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2024
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
NameParul Janagal
Title of thesisUnderstanding radio pulsar emission through single pulse studies
SupervisorDr. Manoneeta Chakraborty
Year of graduation2024
Current affiliationData Scientist at Polychord, UK
NameArghyadeep Paul
Title of thesisMagnetic Reconnection in Heliospheric Plasma
Supervisor Dr. Bhargav Vaidya
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at CEA Paris Saclay, France
NameNaga Deepthi Ayyagari
Title of thesisStudy of Low Latitude Ionosphere using NavIC
Supervisor Prof. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationResearcher at Université Gustave Eiffel, France
NameGourab Giri
Title of thesisDeciphering the Origin and Development History of Peculiar Winged Radio Galaxies
Supervisor Dr. Bhargav Vaidya
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow, SARAO/NRF Fellowship, South Africa
NameSayan Kundu
Title of thesisAn interplay of various particle acceleration processes in turbulent astrophysical plasma
Supervisor Dr. Bhargav Vaidya
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at University of Bath, UK. 
NameUnnati Kashyap
Title of thesisBroadband spectro-temporal studies of burst-outburst phenomena of neutron star low mass X-ray binaries
SupervisorDr. Manoneeta Chakraborty
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Texas Tech University, USA
NameAishrila Mazumder
Title of thesisCharacterization of Foregrounds and Systematics for Sensitive Radio Observations
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at the University of Manchester, UK
NameSriyasriti Acharya
Title of thesisNumerical Study of MHD Instabilities and their Impact on the Multi-wavelength
Emission Signatures of Relativistic Jets
SupervisorDr. Bhargav Vaidya
Year of graduation2023
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at University of Hamburg, Germany
NameChandrani Chatterjee
Title of thesisUncertainties in tropical rain parameters and climate change
SupervisorDr. Saurabh Das
Year of graduation2022
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Indian Statistical Institute, India
NameMohd. Kamran
Title of thesisProbing the Cosmic Dawn using the redshifted 21-cm bispectrum
SupervisorDr. Suman Majumdar
Year of graduation2022
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Uppsala University, Sweden
NameMajidul Rahaman
Title of thesisStudying the Most Energetic Events Since the Big Bang: Mergers in Clusters of Galaxies
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2022
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan
NameMadhurima Choudhury
Title of thesisInterpreting the cosmological Hi 21-cm signal:
Inference and signal extraction techniques using Artificial Neural Networks
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2022
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Astrophysics Research Centre, Open University, Israel
NameAlthaf A.
Title of thesisPosition and Velocity Accuracy of a Stationary Receiver using NavIC Observables
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta, Prof. Hari B. Hablani
Year of graduation2022
NameSumanjit Chakraborty
Title of thesisStudy of the effects of space weather on low-latitude ionosphere during the declining
phase of solar cycles
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2021
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India
NameArnab Chakraborty
Title of thesisSearching for diffuse HI 21 cm signal using upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2021
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at McGill University, Canada
NameRamij Raja
Title of thesisMulti-wavelength study of diffuse radio objects in the galaxy clusters
SupervisorProf. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2021
Current affiliationPostdoctoral fellow at UKZN, Durban, South Africa
NameSanmoy Bandhyopadhyay
Title of thesisFuzzy Based Approach for Detection of Object in Space-Based Observation
SupervisorDr. Saurabh Das, Prof. Abhirup Datta
Year of graduation2022
Current affiliationVisiting Scientist at Center for Soft Computing Research (CSCR), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India