
Please add @iiti.ac.in to individual email ids.
Please add 0731-660 before the individual 4-digit contact numbers.

Name : Prof. Abhirup Datta
Designation : Professor, HOD
Research Interests : Observational Cosmology – Early Universe, HI 21cm Cosmology, Radio Interferometry – Aperture Synthesis, Calibration and Imaging, Large Scale structures – Radio and X-ray observations of Galaxy Clusters, Space Weather and Ionosphere: GPS and NavIC, Machine Learning: Applications to Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Instrumentation related to Radio Astronomy and Space Payload
Publications (NASA ADS)
Publications (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-5333-1095)
Contact No. : 3545
Email : abhirup.datta

Name : Dr Siddharth Malu
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : CMB high precision observations, Designing Radio Telescope for detecting diffuse emission, Mapping of SZE at higher angular resolution
Contact No. : 3299
Email : siddharth

Name : Dr Bhargav Vaidya
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : Computational Astrophysics, Magneto-hydro-dynamics and Radiative Transfer, Particle Acceleration and Non-thermal emission in AGN jets, Theoretical Star Formation: Accretion Disk and Jet Physics, Interstellar Medium: Shock-Induced Chemistry, Astrophysical Code Development

Publications (NASA ADS)
Publications (Google Scholar)
Publications (ORCiD)
Contact No. : 3254
Email : bvaidya

Name : Dr Suman Majumdar
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : Epoch of reionization, 21-cm cosmology, Simulations of reionization, Cosmological N-body simulations, Statistical tools for cosmology, Large scale structures
Publications (NASA ADS)
Publications (arXiv)
Publications (Google Scholar)
Publications (ORCiD)
Contact No. : 3304
Email : suman.majumdar

Name : Dr Saurabh Das
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : Satellite communication and navigation, Radiowave propagation through atmosphere and ionosphere, Radar meteorology, GNSS and Microwave remote sensing, Machine learning applications to atmospheric science
Contact No. : 3306
Email : saurabh.das

Name : Dr Manoneeta Chakraborty
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : Neutron star, Black holes, Pulsars, Magnetars, X-ray binaries, Accretion physics, Burst physics
Publications (ORCID)
Contact No. : 3358
Email : manoneeta

Name : Dr Amit Shukla
Designation : Associate Professor
Research Interests : Active galactic nuclei, Blazars, FSRQ, Radio galaxies, Seyfert Galaxies, Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), Pulsars, X-ray binaries, Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), Jet launching mechanisms, High Energy Astrophysics, Gamma-ray Astronomy, Time-domain astronomy, Multi-wavelength & multi-messenger astrophysics, Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope and Detectors, Kilonova (electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave), Particle acceleration in astrophysical sources
Contact No. : 3213
Email : amit.shukla

Name : Dr Narendra Nath Patra
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Radio Astronomy, Extragalactic Astronomy, Dynamical modeling of galaxies, Interstellar medium of galaxies, Dark matter distribution in galaxies, Astronomical software development and instrumentation
Contact No. : 3385
Email : naren

Name : Dr Unmesh Khati
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Radar polarimetry and Interferometry, PolInSAR techniques for ecosystem studies, Change detection algorithms, Machine learning, Data fusion, Lidar remote sensing, Physical modelling, SAR Tomography
Contact No. : 3386
Email : unmesh.khati

Name : Dr. Priyanka Singh
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Circum-Galactic Medium, Cosmic Microwave Background, Cluster Cosmology, Hydrodynamical Simulations.
Contact No. : 3214
Email : psingh

Name : Dr. Soumavo Ghosh
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Galaxy dynamics & evolution – Dynamical modelling of Milky Way-like galaxies; Bar & boxy/peanut bulge formation in disk galaxies and their evolution; Milky Way dynamics with Gaia space mission; Merger of galaxies and their subsequent impact on galactic dynamics; Excitation and survival of spiral structure in disk galaxies; Galaxy evolution over cosmic time, Numerical simulation of disk galaxies
Contact No. :
Email : soumavo

Name : Dr. Prakash Suryakant Gaikwad
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology,  
Intergalactic Medium, Galaxy formation and evolution, Epoch of reionization, Nature of dark matter, Quasar Absorption Spectroscopy, Observations, Simulations
Contact No. :
Email : gaikwad

Name : Dr. Deepika Bollimpalli
Designation : Assistant Professor
Research Interests : Relativistic astrophysics; Accretion discs around compact objects; Cataclysmic variables; Variability in X-ray binaries, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs).
Contact No. :
Email : dbollimpalli

Name : Prof. Hari Hablani
Designation : Visiting Professor
Research Interests : Spaceflight vehicles guidance, navigation and control, Satellites-based navigation of flight vehicles, Spacecraft attitude and orbit estimation and control, Multi-body flexible spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, Satellites payloads motion and control, Image motion compensation, navigation and registration, Remote sensing of land, ocean, atmosphere and space
Email :

Name : Prof. Sudhir Kamle
Designation : Visiting Professor
Research Interests : Flapping wings, Flexible structures, Smart materials & structures , Composite materials.
Email : kamle